The 477th Fighter Group is Air Force Reserve Command's first F-22A Raptor unit. 

The 477th FG was originally established in May 1943 as a Bombardment Group to train the legendary World War II aviators known as the Tuskegee Airmen. 

The men and women of the 477th FG are integrated with their active duty Air Force partners in most F-22A mission areas increasing efficiency and overall combat capability while retaining Reserve administrative support and career enhancement. 

477th Fighter Group CommanderPortrait of Col. Brian BuddeColonel Brian Budde

477th Fighter Group Deputy CommanderColonel Jeremy Weihrich

477th Fighter Group Senior Enlisted LeaderCMSgt Andrea Gosa

Sexual Assault Response Coordinator

Confidential 24/7 JBER sexual assault report line: 907-384-7272
Confidential 24/7 DoD safe helpline: 877-995-5247

USAF Discrimination & Sexual Harassment Hotline: (888) 231-4058 / Comm: (210) 565-5214 or DSN: 312-665-5214

Link to 477th Fighter Group's Facebook pageU.S. Air Force Reserve recruitment website linkJoint Base Elmendorf-Richardson official website linkJBER Life linkInteractive Customer Evaluation (ICE) or customer feedback linkSafe Helpline linkMilitary One Source link