Commentary Search

  • Air Force Resiliency : One Airman's journey to overcome adversity

    When I hear the word resilience, I’ve seen that it is often followed by shrugs that seem to say, “Here we go again, another briefing.” The Air Force teaches that resilience is the ability to withstand, recover, and “bounce back” in the face of adversity. I have learned that just because you are

  • Suicide Awareness: The little things

    Loss is something some people will experience in their lives. It is a constant part of who we are, and it can sometimes shape our personalities. This is why resilience is so important and can help us to deal with difficult situations. As a person who has experienced loss, I would like to share my

  • The OSI Today Podcast…2 years later

    Sept. 30, 2022, marks a significant milestone in podcasting history. Since 2015 it's been observed as International Podcast Day to celebrate the power of podcasts. Here is the current state of OSI Today, the podcast featuring News and Views from around the Office of Special Investigations.

  • Always Have a Plan B

      There’s a saying among cyber professionals: “People generally tend to put a good backup plan in place the day after they’ve lost all their data.” Unfortunately, what used to be a minor inconvenience can now lead to the serious loss of time, money, and energy trying to recoup critical information.


     Heroes of the Air Force Reserve,Next month, I will relinquish command, surrounded by my colleagues, friends and family. Before I leave, I want to take a few moments to share some parting words. First and foremost, I cannot express my gratitude for being able to serve as your commander for the last


     Teammates,As I round the final lap of my career, I’ve taken a moment to reflect on the things that have helped me stay the course for nearly 33 years. Family, friends, an oath and commitment to serve, and a sincere desire to give back regardless of how tiring the journey has been all come to

  • July Chief's Perspective

    With the end of a military career that has spanned over 34 years, including four years as the Chief of Security Forces, there have been countless opportunities to reflect on the numerous aspects of my military career that got me here. Still, the most crucial element that comes to mind is my goal of

  • July Commander's Corner

    It was June 1980. A 17-year-old young man from northern Minnesota got on an airplane headed to San Antonio, Texas, to embark upon an adventurous Air Force career. The Minneapolis temperature was a pleasant 53 degrees. The culture shock was immediate because Texas greeted me with a 109 degree