MyVector continues to lay foundation for success

  • Published
  • Air Force Global Strike Command Public Affairs

Since its inception in 2015, MyVector has grown into a fully functional platform that helps all Airmen meet their full potential. Originally created as an enterprise-wide solution that supports the Air Force’s goal to provide a standardized process, the platform enables Airmen to seek mentorship opportunities and be proactive in their career development.

MyVector, which serves the total force comprised of active duty, guard, reserve and civilians, helps develop personnel by providing assistance in several areas including mentorship, career planning, knowledge sharing and foundational competencies.

"I have enjoyed my experience using MyVector for the past two years,” said Senior Airman Julia Reed, air traffic control apprentice for the 2nd Operations Support Squadron. “Having this as a resource has allowed me to improve my bullet writing skills and keep track of them for my supervisor. I have also been able to stay on top of my financial readiness by utilizing the courses offered.”


Through a web-based network, participants can search for and communicate with mentors from around the world. Airmen can request a specific mentor by name or search for a mentor that meets their needs.  Search tools allow Airmen to filter mentors by selecting preferences such as job history, rank, education level and previous experience as well as race, ethnicity, gender and disability. 

Once connected with a mentor, Airmen can communicate and complete a mentoring plan with their mentor through MyVector.

Career Planning

MyVector also has tools that allow Airmen to make career plans based on actual opportunities within their career field and share these plans with their mentors, as well as development teams.

The career planning tool also lets Airmen track specific events and accomplishments throughout the year to facilitate a streamlined bullet-writing process for performance reports.

Knowledge Sharing

Airmen from across the force can also use MyVector to share knowledge and experience through discussion forums. Additionally, Airmen can find codified knowledge through links to resources for online books and courses.

Air Force Foundational Competencies assessments

An area within MyVector that has recently been expanded is the Air Force Competencies assessments. The Pathfinder 2021 assessment, for example, provides immediate feedback on personal strengths and areas for improvement within the Air Force Foundational Competencies.

Competencies are patterns of behaviors, knowledge, skills and abilities the Air Force has determined Airmen need to perform successfully on the job regardless of rank, job or position according to Col. Sandra Coble, chief, Air Force Competencies Division within the Air Education and Training Command. 

“On March 31, 2022 MyPers announced the transition from the Airman Comprehensive Assessment (ACA) Feedback to Feedback based on Airmen Leadership Qualities (ALQs).  Soon, Airmen will also be evaluated through the lens of the ALQs,” said Coble.

“Competencies are the building blocks to developing the ALQs.  Everyone with access to MyVector can self-assess their level of foundational competencies using the Pathfinder 2021 assessment tool within MyVector.  They can then use the deliberately provided developmental resources within MyVector to improve their competencies.”

Foundational Competencies are being used as a basis for the new Situational Judgement Testing within the E-5 and E-6 Weighted Airman Promotion System (WAPS) as well as for the Occupational and Foundational Competencies, which have been integrated into the E-6 study guide (dated 1 November 2021) as part of the Developing Self, Developing Others, Developing Ideas, and Developing Organizations chapters.

Airmen can also gain feedback by requesting a 360-Assessment through MyVector, which allows supervisors and peers to provide candid feedback on an Airman’s performance.

Combined, the MyVector tools allow Total Force Airmen to be proactive in career development, while developing themselves through assessment and mentoring so they make take advantage of the opportunities the Air Force has to offer.

“I strongly suggest using MyVector to everyone whether you're an A1C, master sergeant, or an officer because the amount of professional development skills you receive will be beneficial at any stage of life you are in," said Reed.

To access Competency Tools:

- Go to your MyVector Profile ( and/or register in MyVector using your Chrome browser

- Select “Air Force Competencies” from the MyVector main menu (bottom left-hand side)

- Select the available competency tools (e.g. MyAssessments, Resources)

When you complete your self-assessment, you will be able to immediately view your results and Personal Improvement Plan. You may revisit the “my assessments” tab to review results at any time and/or to request feedback. If you request 360 feedback, it’s a best practice to tell the people to expect a message from MyVector asking them to provide you feedback.

All active military and Department of Defense civilians should have access to the assessments. If you are unable to access the Assessments, please contact MyVector help desk