Life Full of Adjustments

  • Published
  • By Chaplain Ben Butcher
  • 477th Fighter Group

Welcome to April UTA,

“We cannot change our past… We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.”

“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.”  -  Charles R. Swindoll

Life has changed drastically in a very short period.  Some have lost a job or have been furloughed.  Others have taken on the challenge of learning how to telecommute to do their jobs.  Childcare has become a big issue as schools have closed.  Children are being asked to learn from home (I have three who I am trying to keep busy). 

With so much changing so fast, some have become increasingly frustrated and stressed out, while others have seemingly embraced the “new normal.”  Wherever you are on this spectrum, please know that you are not alone (despite social distancing).  You belong to the 477th Fighter Group Family.  Air Force Reserve Command commander, Lt. Gen. Scobee has made Air Force Reserve members and their families his first priority during this difficult time (check out his Facebook page).

Hoping the best for you & your family,

Chaplain Ben Butcher