Sept. 28, 2022 Department of the Air Force leaders share experiences, resources with military families at AFA Air and Space Forces senior leaders and their spouses participated in a Families in the Fight panel engaging discussion on common challenges military families experience.
Sept. 21, 2022 CMSAF announces ‘Purple Book,’ talks people, readiness, culture at AFA Bass presented her keynote address and took pride in introducing the “The Joint Team,” commonly known as the Purple Book, which aims to help Airmen become better joint-minded service members.
March 8, 2022 Reserve, Guard senior leaders discuss capabilities, challenges at AFA Maj. Gen. John P. Healy, deputy to the chief of the Air Force Reserve, Lt. Gen. Michael A. Loh, director of the Air National Guard, and Maj. Gen. Daryl Bohac, Nebraska National Guard adjutant general, participated in a roundtable discussion led by Heather Penny, senior resident fellow at the AFA’s
March 4, 2022 AF Week in Photos This week's photos feature Airmen from around the globe involved in activities supporting expeditionary operations and defending America. This weekly feature showcases the men and women of the Air Force.
March 3, 2022 Brown, Raymond highlight strengths, ‘intertwined’ nature of their separate services The senior leaders hosted a "fireside chat" discussing how the Air and Space Forces are designed to work seamlessly and side-by-side to enhance the capabilities of each in protecting the nation’s security and interests.
March 3, 2022 Kendall details ‘Seven Operational Imperatives’ & how they forge the Future Force Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall discussed how the Air and Space Forces must modernize to meet new, emerging threats and challenges by implementing the Department of the Air Force’s “seven operational imperatives.”
Sept. 30, 2021 Department of the Air Force leaders talk leadership, family during panel at AFA Panel members answered questions highlighting the importance of their key spouses, families, and the impact they’ve had on their overall careers.
Sept. 20, 2021 CMSAF reaffirms case for speed, innovation, culture change across the Air Force Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force JoAnne S. Bass delivered remarks during the 2021 Air Force Association Air, Space and Cyber Conference at National Harbor, Md., Sept. 20.
Sept. 20, 2021 Air Force under secretary commemorates 10th anniversary of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell repeal Jones joined panels of fellow LGBTQ+ community members, veterans and ranking civilian leaders in the U.S. government to celebrate the progress made since the cancellation of DADT Sept. 20, 2011. After being confirmed as the Air Force’s under secretary in July 2021, she has worked to further