Sept. 28, 2022 AFCLC, SOS establish first formal active duty record for cadet language events The Air Force Culture and Language Center partnered with the Squadron Officer School at Air University to establish the first process to formally recognize pre-commissioning language events for cadets from the United States Air Force Academy and Air Force ROTC in an official system of record.
Feb. 2, 2022 Air University overhauls curriculum to focus on competition Addressing the ever-shifting dynamics of the global political and military landscapes, Air University has undertaken the most significant overhaul of professional military education since the end of the Cold War.
Nov. 16, 2020 SOS’s new curriculum challenges students to ‘know themselves’ first to prevail in GPC Squadron Officer School’s new curriculum challenges students to know themselves first before they can lead Airmen to prevail in “Great Power Competition.”
May 28, 2020 Air University, Arizona State University partner to transform online PME Air University partnered with Arizona State University, one of America’s leading public research universities with advanced learning and support systems, to transform the distance learning experience for Air Force officers and civilians worldwide.