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  • Struggling with COVID

    Starting late 2019, I was told to worry about the coronavirus. There wasn’t a vaccine yet and face masks were our primary form of protection. I, however, was unbothered by the pandemic and was simply bothered I couldn’t find toilet paper.


    "You didn’t just fly coal to Berlin and keep a city from freezing and the lights from going out. You inspired at least one German boy to be like you when he grew up."- Retired Col. Wolfgang Samuel, USAF, a 13-year-old Berliner during the Airlift


    "Leadership involves solving problems. The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them. They have either lost confidence that you can help or concluded you do not care. Either case is a failure of leadership."- Secretary Colin Powell

  • Healthy Relationships Improve Social Fitness and Readiness

    Building healthy relationships strengthens your social fitness. There is not a “one size fits all” when it comes to defining a healthy relationship. Your perspective, values and deal breakers change as you age. A relationship that made you happy in your 20s may not look anything like what you want

  • Duality of being an Airman

    Duality of Airmanship is really about putting an emphasis on the idea that Profession of Arms (Airmanship) is equal in importance to an Air Force Specialty Code. In other words, Profession of Arms = AFSC. The development of each must be at least parallel, versus the AFSC being the primary emphasis,

  • Innovating into the Wild Blue Yonder

    Every Airman, across every career field, is responsible for driving airpower. The time is now for Airmen to accelerate change and innovate within their work centers.