Commentary Search

  • The key to revitalizing the squadron: The supervisor

    The 21st Air Force Chief of Staff, Gen. David L. Goldfein, announced in 2018 the need to focus on the squadron. He said, “The squadron is the beating heart of the United States Air Force; our most essential team.” Goldfein, like many others, had witnessed the gradual decline of the squadron during

  • Change ...

    Change is inevitable. Change is uncertain. Change may be uncomfortable. However, it is often necessary because the risks of complacency are too great. In April, the Chief of Staff unveiled the Air Force's new mission statement. These eight words are a mandate to continue our journey as an

  • The Beauty of Diversity

    “Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilization.” -Mahatma GhandiAs a nation, I think we can all agree that we don’t always agree. But does that make us less human or more? Does it make our society stronger or weaker? Does it grow our influence or shrink

  • August Fitness Tips

    A few tips to exercise safely Exercising regularly has wide-ranging physical, emotional and social health benefits. You need to exercise safely to remain healthy and injury-free. If it’s safe and painless, you’re more likely to stick to it! Safety is about using common sense, understanding basic

  • Public Affairs, now more than ever

    “I think of all the things we do right now, as leaders, perhaps the most important thing we do is to communicate, “Air Force Chief of Staff, Gen. David L. Goldfein, April 1, 2020, Mitchell Institute podcast.When the COVID-19 pandemic ends, there will be a tsunami of editorials and think tank

  • Coping resources during COVID-19

    Below are national resources to help during the COVID-19 outbreak. MILITARY ONESOURCE:As the Department of Defense responds to the ever-changing effects of the coronavirus disease, or COVID-19, we at Military OneSource are committed to providing our service members and military families everywhere